Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Modifications- We received the 3-D printed part that will now replace the Styrofoam body of our modified quad copter. Upon observation we noticed it wasn't going to fit correctly so we had to dremel and drill a few sections to get it to fit within the center console of the quad copter. upon doing so, it fit snugly into place. However we were not fully satisfied with the turn out and did not like the amount of weight the new part added. To account for this we redrew the part using creo parametic and designed the part to have an internal honeycomb structure, this in turn would cut down about 1/3 of the weight. Also when remodeling we accounted for the modifications we made to the previous part with the dremel and were proactive to correct them in the 3D computer model before printing it this time. Pictures will be posted shortly.

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