Monday, April 22, 2013

Meeting Review for Week 3

As we move towards the middle of the term, we have begun testing and have preformed speed and lift tests. The data set we have gained thus far will serves as the control on which we will compare the final quad copter. Data will be posted shortly

Monday, April 15, 2013

Meeting Progress from week 2

We have decided on what we will be modifying to our existing quad copter in order to keep the budget down. We have chosen the key points that will be modified in the quad copter. We have made our revisions in our quad copter budget and we plan on keeping the budget down to a low amount as possible. The drone we have decided on improving is a parrot A.R. drone.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

First Day

Welcome to our Drexel Freshmen Engineering Project. Our project is trying to increase the payload of a quad copter and making them more efficient and if possible programming them to be autonomous in 10 weeks.
Follow us and check back daily for updates.